30 January 2010

From LunarC to Tre-X: they just keep coming

LunarC was absolutely thrilling! We all had the best time out there and In 2 Adventure put on another wicked event - thanks Robyn and Simon!!

We all agreed that our lights were woefully inadequate, but it didn't stop us. Riding at night is fantastic! Your attention narrows to the beam of light in front and you're forced to focus on the here and now. Then, to be riding as daylight starts to bleach away the darkness-wow, definitely something special. The air changes. There's a space of silence. Then it's day.

I am really keen to do more night rides - with better lights, for sure!

In the meantime, I have Tre-X Enduro tomorrow.

I'm not doing the endurance race. I'll stick to the short course and my goal is to come out of the swim stronger than last time and be able to take on the ride with more vigour. I know my training has been better going into this race and my legs are fitter than last time, so I have every chance of achieving my goal.

I'm looking forward to seeing familiar faces again and getting caught up in the atmosphere-it's what keeps me going back for more!


15 January 2010

One dark night

A stroke of madness, or a moment of intrepid confidence? Whichever it was, it has led us to today-the day of LunarC.

Candice and I have teamed up. Mel is going solo. Shauna is volunteering as an official and Kerry is our official cheer squad and pit crew.

It's going to be a night of first times, sheer fear and pure delight. Regardless of anything else, it's an 8 hour mtb endurance race and that means, it's sure to be night of big accomplishments!

I can't wait for the vibe and buzz of the atmosphere up there! I'm sure it'll be another awesome event from In2Adventure.
