08 July 2009

The challenge

Some years ago I stumbled on to the notion of adventure racing. I didn’t know anyone involved and had never excelled in any of its disciplines, but for some reason it appealed to me. Having never been a great athlete, even less so a runner or participant in any sport requiring strong cardio, the challenge never really seemed achievable.

I moved to Perth a few years ago, and after finding my weekends a little empty I seeked out some activities. I stumbled firstly on to orienteering, then rogaining, both of which highlighted my love of maps and navigation.

These were both realistic goals to me, and I fell in love with rogaining for its strategic challenge, escapism into the bush and the bonfire and red wine finish.

I was fully intent on continuing to race once I moved back to the east coast, however I was unable to find anyone interested in joining me for a long hike through the bush for hours in search of little white and orange squares. When asking friends to join me I got the usual uninterested look and the occasional ‘isn’t that hair loss cream?’ comment.

One weekend I mentioned my little pipe dream in passing to Taryn and to my surprise she broached it with me the following week. It may have been the white wine, that Friday after work happiness buzz, or other great inspiration, but that night a mutual goal was reached, a project plan created (we do work in communications after all) and the challenge set.

We have started to train both as a team and individually and have set short term goals that we both feel are reachable. My big fear is my cardio letting the team down or holding it back when racing.

Like Taryn I feel a little overwhelmed by the challenge we have set ourselves, however reaching the ultimate goal of completing a GeoQuest race is really a strong motivating factor.


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