03 August 2009

Now it feels real

Life has been pretty busy for Melissa and I - so much so that the blog has been neglected. The brief update from me is that I am now the proud owner of a spunky mountain bike. When I figure out how to post photos, I'll show it off. I have to say a huge thank you to Jeff Smith for finding it for me and delivering it. Check out his cool podcasts at www.powerfit.net.au

We've taken the bikes out for a couple of rides around Gap Creek. They've been huge fun, with some small moments of fear (at least on my part) as I hit a corner too fast or focused too much on the rock I'd been trying to avoid, with the obvious consequences.

I have bruises and scrapes to show for my efforts. I'm kind of proud of them, though also quite grateful that it's winter and I can keep them covered - white skin bruises ugly.

But moving on to the news du jour (or whatever 'night' is in french). We went to the introductory session of our adventure racing course. It's run through Phoenix Adventure and it will introduce us to the skills and disciplines that are core to the sport, such as trail running, kayaking, abseiling, navigation and mountain biking.

The session tonight was really interesting. The trainer/facilitator Andy, took us through the gear we'll need and some basics of race nutrition. It all gets serious tomorrow night with a strength and agility session.

I'll try to keep a commentary running over the next week. There are going to be some excellent experiences and I'm so looking forward to putting it all into practice with the mini-race on Sunday. My only concern is the navigation session - Melissa, you might be wishing for a different team mate that day!!


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