23 August 2009

Teva, teva, teva!!!

We had an absolute blast, today!

Teva was fun from beginning to end. There will be more stories on the blog in the next few days, but here are a few photos of us, before the race started.

I have to make a special mention of Candice, who joined Mel, Kerry and I at the event, as one of the much appreciated and necessary volunteers. She spent six hours in the sun, operating a leaf blower (will be explained in forthcoming blog - I promise) and still had a smile on her face at the end.


Mel, keeping us on the straight and narrow - navigator extraodinaire!!

Kerry slapping on the SPF30+. The temperature was about 30 degrees celsius - in winter!

Me. What a poser, huh.

First Flight of the Phoenix team photo

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