25 August 2009

Off and racing

At 8.36am on Sunday, we were officially off and racing in the Teva Adventure Series. Well, perhaps not racing, more like jogging in that staccato way you have when you're caught in a pack.

Mel was the navigator and Kerry and I were on lookout and support duty. The first leg of the race was on foot (ha - read that again, slowly) and although my memory is a little hazy, I know Mel's intuitive navigating saved us time from the outset.

I also know there was a lot of crashing through scrub. Ruddy lantana - grrr!

We picked up our bikes at the fourth control and set off at speed, welcoming the breeze. It was already hot and the day was still so young.

I love my bike

I had such a blast on the bike legs! There's something so liberating about cycling fast.

Even so, it was on the first bike leg that I came off, twisting my ankle. I ran on to the control, but on the way back made the decision to speak up and take time to strap it.

As we were sitting down to figure out where to start (switching your brain from race mode to first aid mode is not a quick thing), another competitor stopped and offered her help, explaining that she was a physio.

She held her whole team up to help me, but they didn't blink an eye. Just another reminder that adventure racing is really about people and team spirit.

So much, so fast, so fun

So much happened during the race that I find it difficult to remember the details and the order of things, but the flashbacks are vivid.

Sandy tracks, boggy trails, and fast, flat stretches.

Taking bearings, back tracking (not much, mind you), crashing through bush and splashing through creeks.

Red and white controls, the happy beep of the timing chip.

Clumps of other competitors, happy exchanges and well wishes from strangers.

More lantana, more sandy track and that hot, hot sun.

People, smiles, lots of water, electrolytes and gels!

The gels certainly kept us firing. It was easy to tell when they’d hit, because I suddenly needed to tell everyone how awesome the day was. It probably drove Mel and Kerry crazy, but it was only the truth – the day rocked!

In the next installment: brain teasers, Candice's leafblower and crossing the finish line.

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